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Eco-friendly and Diverse

Our biodegradable products of multiple materials help your business grow towards and ahead of the global, sustainability trend. We help billions of consumers around the globe to make responsible lifestyle choices every day and, achieve worldwide goal of carbon neutrality.

Closely keeping up with the industry's future free of plastics and deforestation under the global environmental crisis,

our categories are focused on the following orientations:

Reduce Deforestation Reduce the Use of Plastics
Eco-friendly and Diverse

Reduce Deforestation

Compared with trees, sugarcane and bamboo enjoy a much shorter growth cycle than wood. Our sugarcane pulp and bamboo pulp products are more economical alternatives to replace wood when enabling tree-free solutions and more sustainable business.

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Reduce Deforestation

Reduce the Use of Plastics

With the worldwide rising awareness force to reduce and reuse plastics use, we have been standing at the forefront to produce and apply bio-based materials such as CPLA and PBAT to reduce plastics use.

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Reduce the Use of Plastics

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