Manufacture Manufacture


We offer exclusive workshops and production lines catering to our client's needs.

Our Culture: Respect, Trust, Accomplishment Our Culture: Respect, Trust, Accomplishment

Our Culture: Respect, Trust, Accomplishment

We ensure our employees thrive within an amicable and comfortable environment conducive to
their professional growth and well-being.

Research & Development

Research & Development

Our R&D capabilities dedicate to creating safe, low-carbon, eco-friendly products and packaging solutions that enable our client's long-term sustainable growth.

Our Achievements on Technology

We are the first company in Asia that has obtained BPI certification for paper products and compostable films. 

We have been invited and become a full member of BPI committee.

What is BPI?

Certifications and Third-Party Test Reports

What is BPI?

The International Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI) was formed as a non-profit in 1999 with the goal of scalable diversion of organic waste to composting, by verifying that products and packaging will successfully break down in professionally managed composting facilities, without harming the quality of finished compost. BPI operates North America’s leading certification program for compostable resins, products and packaging, and maintains a publicly available database that lists every certified item by SKU.

What is BPI?
Ecosense Environmental Technology

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